Hello to every who enjoys champagne.
Here's a chance to have your say about what you do, or don't, find helpful in understanding more about this wonderful wine.
I'd love to hear you views about which brand gives you the most useful information about what's in the bottle and how it will taste.
I have to say openly that I am biased: I don't think that the big brands ( most of them anyway) give you any information that is of real value.
The first, most obvious, and often the only, place that you can find useful information is on the back label and if you look at the back label of most big brands all you'll find are a few very general lines about making champagne with passion, respecting tradition, using the three classic grapes, long ageing and more wooly stuff that on the surface sounds appealing, but in fact tells you nothing about the champagne in the bottle and doesn't differentiate it from any other champagne.
My own experience is that many ( not all ) of the smaller producers are far more open and far better at telling you what' s in the bottle, and after all, that's a little window into the beliefs and the life of the champagne maker.
Take a look at these two back labels from Laherte Frères. They're a mine of information. Yes I know they're in French but you don't really need to speak the language to get the gist of what they are saying.
So my challenge is this: do you know any champagnes that give you so much infomation?
Which, in your view, are the most useLESS labels that tell you nothing except a load of 'marketing speak'?
Please share your own likes and dislikes about which champagne gives you the most complete and useful information on its labels and which are the most useless.
Please, if you can, send in pictures.
I'm sure you all have your own opinions and I'd love to hear them
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